Friday, August 29, 2014

Thy will be done.

Thinking about printing this out for our wedding day.

Dear Lord,

I pray that You bless today and all the days that follow. I implore You to direct our hearts, minds, and souls to You first and above all else. I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us to this day. I thank You for the gift of Yourself, Your sacrifice through Jesus Christ, and for Your unending grace, mercy, and love. Let our actions, our thoughts, and words glorify you forevermore. Let our love always be free flowing like Your love. Help us to exemplify the love you show to us not only in our marriage but in all of our relationships. Continue to always change our hearts to learn to love more like you every day. Let our love be free, total, faithful, and fruitful just as Christ’s love is free, total, faithful, and fruitful.

Let us give our love freely as Christ gives His love freely. Lord, God, you gave yourself freely in sacrifice out of love to save us from our sin. Your free sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate expression of love. Let us remember that sacrifice as we love others and let our love be given freely as Yours is given freely to us.

Let us give our love totally as Christ gives Himself to us totally every single day. Lord, Saviour, you gave yourself totally and wholly in a sacrifice to save us. Christ, you did not hold any of yourself back in Your sacrifice for our redemption. Let us trust in You in all things that we can give our love totally to You, to each other, and to all your children. Let us never hold back any part of ourselves through fear because you did not withhold any part of Yourself on the cross.

Let our love be given faithfully as Christ’s love is always faithful. Father, you are faithful even when we are not. Your love is constant and unending. Your love towards us never changes despite our brokenness and our fallen state. Allow us to love You and each other faithfully the way you love us faithfully. Let us always look towards Christ as an example of faithful love to the Father. Teach us to love so faithfully that we always sing and pray with joy “Thy will be done”. For You are always faithful to us.

Let our love be fruitful like Christ’s love is fruitful. Lord, your love brings new life to us daily. Never let us hold back any part of our love and let it always be directed to Your glory. Allow us to use the gifts you have given us with complete trust and openness. Let our actions and love work in accordance with your will and grant to us that our love may be fruitful like your love.

Lord, bless our marriage. Bless our thoughts, our actions, and our words. Allow our marriage to glorify you and to be an example on earth of Christ’s heavenly marriage with His Church. Let today and all the days that follow be filled with joyous praise towards You. Grant us peace in our hearts and minds as we grow in trust and holiness. Allow us to fully accept Your love, grace, and mercy. Let us never become complacent or flounder on our forever journey with You. Grant us peace in our hearts with every change in our lives knowing that all is done to prepare us for eternity with You. Let us embrace change and never fear it. Let us always see change as a joyful beginning especially when the change requires uncomfortable sacrifices. Allow us to deny ourselves as we choose Your will and Your way above our own.
Father in heaven you know what is best for our lives. You know our hearts and our minds. You have given us Your Son to save us and Your Spirit to guide us. Allow us to graciously accept these gifts always. Help us to always put ourselves last to You and to others.

We thank you so much for our family and friends. We thank you for the opportunities you have given us thus far in our lives and we only pray that our steps and path are being directed towards Your will. We pray today especially that you touch the hearts of those in attendance. Show them the joy that can be found in You and Your promises.

We ask for special petitions for women. We pray for your world in the hopes of change especially in America. Help women especially see their dignity in being made as humans in the image and likeness of God. Allow them to never give up what being a woman means for the view of how society believes a woman should be. We pray for women contemplating abortion and we ask for your help in guidance for them. Allow them to look towards you and to not be fearful in their situations. We pray for the life of the unborn child and we pray for all those children who have been killed through abortion. We ask that you bless the souls of those babies and that they are with you in heaven. We pray for healing for all women who have undergone an abortion and help their hearts be opened to Your great love and mercy.

We also pray that women never see their fertility as a disease that needs to be cured through contraceptive methods. Lord, you know what is best. Your creation is perfect. Let us never work against your creation especially when it comes to our bodies. We were created in your image and likeness. Our bodies and our souls must glorify you. Allow us never to forget this and allow us to always embrace this.

We pray for your glory today and forevermore.


Monday, August 4, 2014

For the joy of the Lord is our strength

I'm quickly coming to realize why we are meant to have complete trust and reliance in our Lord.